Do You Need to Repair Your Air Ducts? Here's How to Tell

Are you wondering if your air ducts need to be repaired? There are several signs that can help you determine if it's time to call a professional. A lack of air flow, whistling noises, hot and cold spots, high energy bills, poor indoor air quality, and dust and dirt accumulation around the vents are all indicators that your ducts need to be serviced. If you're not getting enough air flow from your vents, it could be a sign that your ducts need to be repaired. Cracks, tears, and poor sealing can cause air leaks, resulting in less air going through the vents.

This can lead to high energy bills, poor air distribution, poor indoor air quality, and reduced performance. Whistling noises are another sign that your ducts need to be serviced. Constricted ducts cannot properly accommodate the volume of air your HVAC unit is trying to circulate through them, resulting in rattling or whistling noises. Hot and cold spots in your home can also indicate that your ducts need to be repaired.

If the duct network has been in place for more than 15 years, it's time to replace it. The duct network that has been in operation for so long often has serious design defects, such as an inadequate duct size and the lack of a suitable design. High energy bills are another sign that your ducts need to be serviced. Did you know that approximately 25% of the air in your HVAC ducts is lost as a result of leaks and improperly installed ducts? This can result in hundreds of dollars being wasted every year.

Poor indoor air quality is also a sign that your ducts need to be repaired. Mold build-up and other pollutants can accumulate in the ducts if they are not properly sealed or insulated. Insulating ducts not only prevents mold, but it also makes the air conditioning system more efficient, so you'll eventually spend less on your energy bill. Finally, dust and dirt accumulation around the vents is a sign that your ducts need to be serviced.

If there are holes in the ducts, you will also hear loud noises when air circulates through the ducts. When you start to see dust and dirt accumulating around the vents, there is a problem with the filtration of the air ducts. If you notice any of these signs in your home, it's time to call a licensed HVAC company to repair or replace your air ducts. Ventwerx is a great option for all of your HVAC needs.

Ericka Neubaum
Ericka Neubaum

Avid introvert. Subtly charming web evangelist. Music ninja. Zombie fanatic. Evil internet trailblazer. Travel fan.